The network will bring much convenience for our study, students can find information on the web, you can publish articles on the Internet, you can chat with people, can enjoy the article,can listen to music, can.
Network learning to us bring many benefits, because sometimes the teacher let us to findsome information, we can go to the Internet to check, there is no can not solve the problem,as long as to find, solve your problem will come very naturally.
In the article published online is convenient and rapid, the students made the article more,our composition will also be improved, because the students put the article up, we can go online to see, to appreciate, to discover how he wrote, we can learn from him.
The network can also enrich our study life, edify our sentiment, to our physical and mentalpleasure. When we one day in school, do a lot of homework, we can listen to music through the Internet chat, after coming home, to lift the day's fatigue, not to learn knowledge in school textbooks, it is satisfy both sides of things.
The network is the product of the era, and brings great convenience to people from all walks of life, to our work, study quality are improved, we love this network learning life.
兄弟多抄些,沒壞處的.老兄 翻譯器好水!用多了不好