However, the use of credit cards also troubles many Americans. If a credit card owner does not pay all of the money that he owes at the end of the month, he is really borrowing the money. Until he repays all of it, the rate of interest, often about twenty percent, is very high. Because no payment is needed until one month after the purchase, many Americans have trouble limiting their purchases. When the bills finnally arrive, they see that they do not have enough money. The result is high interest payments.的意思,謝謝
However, the use of credit cards also troubles many Americans. If a credit card owner does not pay all of the money that he owes at the end of the month, he is really borrowing the money. Until he repays all of it, the rate of interest, often about twenty percent, is very high. Because no payment is needed until one month after the purchase, many Americans have trouble limiting their purchases. When the bills finnally arrive, they see that they do not have enough money. The result is high interest payments.的意思,謝謝
英語(yǔ)人氣:236 ℃時(shí)間:2020-04-18 20:57:33
- 1老友記第六季第二集11分23秒,phoebe said:you could do a lot worse than joey
- 2布萊克一家現(xiàn)在習(xí)慣吃中餐了(be used to)英語(yǔ)翻譯
- 3兩個(gè)數(shù)學(xué)方程 (x-320)/x=34 (320-x)/x=34
- 4原句:烈火燒死了邱少云,我的心很痛.改成“把”字句________________________________
- 5戈 這個(gè)字少一撇,然后加個(gè) 心 字,這個(gè)字怎么念?
- 6小明有54枚郵票小明的郵票枚數(shù)是小新的4分之3小新的郵票枚數(shù)是小紅的7分之6小紅有多少枚郵票
- 7詢問天氣是情況是,how 和what及其答語(yǔ) 有什么區(qū)別.關(guān)于問天氣的各種句型
- 8英語(yǔ)作文:A Word About English Learning
- 9xy<0且x+y>0x<y試把x,y,0,-x,-y這5個(gè)數(shù)用<連接
- 10亙字的讀音
- 11關(guān)于國(guó)慶的英語(yǔ)作文
- 12請(qǐng)高手幫忙寫一篇100字左右關(guān)于最喜歡的節(jié)目的英文~~