Once upon a time,there was a child to shepherd to the mountain.And he felt very boring,then he wanted to make a joke to scare the farmers who lived in the country.He shouted out loudly and said:"Wolf!Wolf!Help!"Then the farmers came,and saw on wolf but the laughing child,and they go away.But the child shouted again few minutes late:"Help!help,wolf" When the farms came back,no wolf yet,they were angry.At last,the wolves really came,the boys screamed:"Help,help,he real wolves".And nobody came and help him.那我再刪幾個字?快點啊!Once upon a time,there was a child to shepherd to the mountain,then he wanted to make a joke to scare the farmers .He shouted out loudly and said:"Wolf! Wolf! Help!"Then the farmers came,and saw on wolf but the laughing child, they go away.But the child shouted again. When the farms came back,no wolf yet,they were angry.At last,the wolves really came,the boys screamed:"Help,help'.And nobody came and help him
1-13:accacaccbaccb 給個采納啊
7.He was looking forward his birthday gift
9.No,he didn't
10.we can't find any excuse when you have not finished something.
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1-5 ccbab
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